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Tag: losses

Articles tagged as Losses

Market Moods And Market Timers

Posted on August 17, 2023 by Elroy Bicking
Markets rise and markets decrease.It shouldn't matter much, but many new market timers discover that their very own personal mood fluctuates with the markets, moving from extreme euphoria because the markets soar to new heights to deep despair once the markets plunge to new lows.Why do market trends have such power over emotions?They won't need to, but many new timers have a problem cultivating a target attitude...

Stock Market Report That Wall Street Does Not Want You To Read

Posted on July 9, 2022 by Elroy Bicking
The easiest way to maximize your earnings is usually to be ready to give some back again to the CURRENCY MARKETS.When most traders first hear this, they're just a little taken back.Why can you give all of your profits back again to the Currency markets; because you should never be going to have the ability to exit right at the peak of the Currency markets trend.But, it is possible to still stick with the trend since it develops, and let your earnings run in the Currency markets...

The Key to Options Trading Success

Posted on June 27, 2022 by Elroy Bicking
The stock exchange is a fascinating exchange that always provides hope and promises traders the possibility of becoming rich overnight.The hope and promise comes in the form that one day they may hit a jackpot or home run as we have seen daily - stocks flashing past our eyes with wonderful up day or down day.1 day, the common trader thinks that he is going to be able to catch this shooting stock just before it takes off...

Positive Net Cash

Posted on March 12, 2022 by Elroy Bicking
Every investor's objective is to find undervalued investment and then sell it when it reaches fair value.To locate the fair value of a common stock, we will need to predict the gains generated by the inventory over a time period.This prediction might not be accurate.After all, nobody can know the future with 100% certainty.When things suddenly turn ugly, investors will need to safeguard themselves against capital losses...